...If you have acne scars and want to eliminate them from your skin for life, you should be ready to put in a little bit of effort and expect to spend some amount of time and some money. Acne scars take a lot of time to be removed and it is quite normal to take a year or so for them to be completely gone. Although there are some other methods such as laser treatment that work considerably faster, I do not recommend using these methods as they are a lot more expensive and might carry some risks with them....»
Read More: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
«...The result of the study was surprising to Dr. Kimball. There are no significant changes in the numbers of pimples on the backs and chests of the participants in each of the 3 groups. Most people and even doctors believe sweating will result in more pimples. This result disproves the acne myth that sweating will lead to the formations of more pimples. Now you will not be able to use acne as an excuse for not wanting to exercise....»
Full Text: best-acne-remedies.blogspot.com
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